SEO Optimised Chat GPT Prompts – Create Your Website Copy in a Day!

Are you tired of staring at a blank screen, trying to write website copy that’s both SEO-friendly and engaging? Have you been putting off writing your website copy for longer than you care to admit?

I’ve got you! These SEO-optimized ChatGPT prompts have gone full mountain rescue mode and are not only here to save the day, but will save you endless hours, sleepless nights and thousands of pounds on your copy.

Imagine having all the prompts you need to create a killer website copy in one convenient place, without spending hours editing or hiring a copywriter. And the best part? You can inject your brand personality and tweak the prompts to your heart’s content.

But yeah, I know what you’re thinking. “ChatGPT can’t really write good copy, can it?” Well, the truth is, it just did. This product description was 80% created by ChatGPT and after a few tweaks from our Chief Marketing Maverick Sally (yes I wrote this line) that took less than 5 minutes the job was done and done.

So if you’re ready to take your website copy to new heights click add to cart now and have your website set up for SEO success by the weekend.

Here’s the Prompts you’ll get access to:

  • Teaching Chat GPT to learn your Tone of Voice
  • SEO Blog Post Ideas
  • SEO Keyword Research
  • SEO Optimised Blog Post Framework
  • SEO Optimised Blog Posts
  • SEO Optimised Product Description
  • Meta Description
  • Title Tag
  • About Me Section/Page
  • Name a New Service
  • Full Sales Page for a Service Business
  • Freebie Opt in Page
  • Freebie Thank You Page with Cart Bump

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact Information

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  • Total payment
  • 1xSEO Optimised Chat GPT Prompts – Create Your Website Copy in a Day!£97

All prices in GBP

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!
